OAX Original is a collaborative artistic endeavor presenting the distinctive flavors and raw beauty of wild agave through three limited-edition expressions: Arroqueño, Tobalá, and Tepeztate. Maestro Mezcalero Enrique Hernandez Zenea crafted these unique small-batch mezcals from agave plants found in the semi-arid Central Valleys of Oaxaca, which average 12 to 25 years to reach maturity. Once foraged, the hearts of the agaves are slow-cooked in the ground with oak and mesquite, stone-ground by horse, then wild yeast fermented in pine barrels before being double distilled.

OAX is a multi-sensorial experience, where the bottle embodies the mezcal in touch and sight—from its raw texture recalling dirt, bricks, and adobe, to the pure volumes that define its form, size, and surfaces, as well as their interaction with light and shadows. Produced in Pachuca, Mexico, the bottle itself draws inspiration from vernacular Mexican architecture. From agave field to bottle, the entire production focuses on a genuine homage to Mexico, drawing from its history, culture, and inherent raw beauty.



