From humble beginnings as a local pharmacy in the town of Kami in Miyagi prefecture, the Ito family closed up shop to focus on sake production in 1896. What was once a family pharmacy became Yamawa Shuzoten, a decidedly small production brewery focusing on truly handmade sake utilizing local ingredients. From a very small and youthful production team, Yamawa brewery creates sakes adored by the locals that specialize in Hitomebore rice, a strain developed nearby by in Miyagi prefecture.

“Simple is best”. Yamawa applies this concept to brewing sake believing the value of simple things may not always be immediately apparent but with patience simple represents good things that are worth enjoying . Nestled in the rural town of Kami, Yamawa is blessed with beautiful underground water from Mt. Funagata and has been making sake since 1896. Mr. Ito is the 7th generation toji who inherited traditional techniques of Nambu Toji. He makes sake with deep care that cherishes the basics yet remains uncompromised by trends.
